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Nutritionist Services

Our service ensures that a personalised nutrition plan is made, to create a positive change to your diet and lifestyle and help you feel good inside and out. We provide our clients with an engaging and knowledgeable consultation experience, in which our experienced nutritionists explore in depth each health concerns precisely, present dietary and lifestyle recommendations and build an exclusive treatment plan.

Our highly experienced nutritionists recognise any imbalance and deficiencies and provide a holistic approach to identify the factors impacting the overall health of the individual.

Through clinical research and evidence-based approach we are determined to support in line with your concerns and conditions ranging from weight management, chronic conditions to bowel to digestive disorders.

We offer a comprehensive consultation in person at our clinic or online, according to your availability and in both approaches, the same exceptional service will be offered to you. Through our experience, accountability is proven to be highly important and therefore we recommend our clients have a succession of appointments booked to attain their health goals promptly.

To find out more, please feel free to contact us or book in your consultation with one of our experienced nutritionists.

How it works?

  • Choose the suitable and time that best fits your availability to book in your consultation at our clinic. Video consultations are also available upon request.
  • Receive a detailed questionnaire to fill in and send it back to us.
  • Your nutritionist will analyse the questionnaire prior to your consultation to ensure maximum benefit.
  • Come into the clinic, and during your one-to-one consultation get detailed and bespoke recommendations and a personal diet, lifestyle treatment plan.

What you can expect at your consultation:

  • Identify any specific concerns or difficulties and discussion of current presenting symptoms and all body systems
  • In depth discussion to analyse your medical history
  • Basic assessment of macro and micro-nutrient adequacy
  • Food dairy assessment to analyse your food intake, current diet, and lifestyle patterns.
  • Tailored nutritional plan including educational brief
  • Medical/function test recommendations if needed
  • Lifestyle suggestions and practices
  • Identify short- and long-term health goals
  • Comprehensive feedback record
  • Arrange follow-up consultations or communications

Treatments are transferable between clients under the circumstances that the clinic is notified and agreed prior to the client’s arrival. Skin pre-paid single sessions, treatments and packages will expire 12 months from date of purchase. View terms & conditions for all treatments. To view our cancellation & refund policy.

Cancellation policy: all cancellations must be notified more than 24 hours prior to treatment. Failure to do so, will result in charge and loss of session.

Packages are available and can be discussed during your Consultation with us at the Clinic.

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